Order Cancellation Policy
Order Cancellation Policy
At Auli, we strive to offer the best experience for our customers, and we understand that plans can change. To ensure a smooth process, here’s everything you need to know about cancelling an order:
1. Order Cancellation Window
- Before Shipment: You can cancel your order anytime before it is shipped. Once the order has been processed and dispatched, cancellation will not be possible.
2. How to Cancel an Order
- To cancel an order, please contact our Customer Support team as soon as possible with your order details. You can reach us via:
- Email: info@aulilifestyle.com
- Phone: +917044017555
- Get in touch with us through our “Contact Us” section.
Please include your order number for faster assistance.
3. Non-Cancellable Items
- Sale/Discounted Items: Orders placed during sales or on discounted products are final and cannot be cancelled.
4. Contact Us
For any further questions or assistance with cancellations, feel free to reach out to our Customer Support Team. We're here to help!
By shopping with Auli, you agree to these terms and conditions.